September 3rd 2008

was a sunny day in southern California. I was a newby to calvary chapel bible college and was deep into my IBS studies. September 3rd was the day my heart didn’t want to work anymore. I passed out on my top bunk and then went to the ER for my first time ever. They told me “You have heart problems.” The beginning of a very long process that would eventually end my stay at CCBC and bring me home.
September 3rd 2009

is the day I will be flying from Sacramento, CA to Venice, Italy. The day my dreams will be coming true. This day I will fly across the world to pursue my love for Christ in a different way than I have before. I will leave everything I know and go to a place where I am a stranger and through doing this, I will learn. I will learn what it is to be sent.
What a difference one year from the other. How could I imagine I would be here now when I look back a year. Yet again, His grace is sufficient, His love is everlasting and His plans are always better than I could think. And who would know that September 3rd would be any day of importance? I like how the Lord works. Now my prayer is to be used.
Romans 10:15
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